Circuit Self-managed infrastructure, programmatic monitoring and orchestration

Example: Make a docker container

Much like for the case of OS processes, the circuit can create, manage and synchronize Docker containers, and attach the corresponding docker elements to a path in the anchor file system.

To allow creation of docker elements, any individual server must be started with the -docker switch. For instance:

	circuit start -if eth0 -discover -docker

To create and execute a new docker container, using the tool:

	circuit mkdkr /X88550014d4c82e4d/docky << EOF
		"Image": "ubuntu",
		"Memory": 1000000000,
		"CpuShares": 3,
		"Lxc": ["lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1"],
		"Volume": ["/webapp", "/src/webapp:/opt/webapp:ro"],
		"Dir": "/",
		"Entry": "",
		"Env": ["PATH=/usr/bin"],
		"Path": "/bin/ls",
		"Args": ["/"],

Most of these fields can be omitted analogously to their command-line option counterparts of the docker command-line tool.

Docker elements are similar to processes.

The remaining docker element commands are identical to those for processes: stdin, stdout, stderr, peek and wait. In one exception, peek will return a detailed description of the container, derived from docker inspect.